13. Glossary


Below is the summary of all the functions and methods that you learned in this lesson:

Category: General Purpose

Function/Method Description
numpy.ndarray.dtype Return the data-type of the elements of the array. Remember, arrays are homogeneous.
numpy.ndarray.ndim Return the number of array-dimensions (rank), e.g., it will return 2 for a 4x3 array.
numpy.ndarray.shape Return a tuple representing the array dimensions, e.g., it will return (rows,columns) for a rank 2 array.
numpy.ndarray.size Return the number of elements present in the array.
numpy.save Save an array to .npy (numpy) format.
numpy.load Load array from the .npy files.
numpy.random.random Return random floats values from the interval [0.0, 1.0), in a specified shape.
numpy.random.randint Return random integers from the half-open interval [a, b), in a specified shape.
numpy.random.normal Return random samples from a Gaussian (normal) distribution.
numpy.random.permutation Return a randomly permuted sequence from the given list
Returns an array containing the same elements with a new shape, without affecting the the original array.

Category: Array Creation

Function/Method Description
numpy.ones Return a new array of given shape and type, filled with 1s.
numpy.zeros Return a new array of given shape and type, filled with 0s.
numpy.full Return a new array of given shape and type, filled with a specific value.
numpy.eye Return a 2-D array with 1s on the diagonal and 0s elsewhere.
numpy.diag Extract the diagonal elements.
numpy.unique Return the sorted unique elements of an array.
numpy.array Create an n-dimensional array.
numpy.arange Return evenly spaced values within a given half-open interval [a, b).
numpy.linspace Return evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval [a,b].
numpy.ndarray.copy Returns a copy of the array.

Category: Operating with Elements and Indices

Function/Method Description
numpy.insert Insert values along the given axis before the specified indices.
numpy.delete Return a new array, after deleting sub-arrays along a specified axis.
numpy.append Append values at the end of the specified array.
numpy.hstack Return a stacked array formed by stacking the given arrays in sequence horizontally (column-wise).
numpy.vstack Return a stacked array formed by stacking the given arrays, will be at least 2-D, in sequence vertically (row-wise).
numpy.sort Return a sorted copy of an array.
numpy.ndarray.sort Sort an array in-place.

Category: Set Operations

Function/Method Description
numpy.intersect1d Find the intersection of two arrays.
numpy.setdiff1d Find the set difference of two arrays.
numpy.union1d Return the unique, sorted array of values that are in either of the two input arrays.

Category: Arithmetic and Statistical Operations

Function/Method Description
numpy.add Element-wise add given arrays
numpy.subtract Subtract arguments of given arrays, element-wise.
numpy.multiply Multiply arguments of given arrays, element-wise.
numpy.divide Returns a true division of the inputs, element-wise.
numpy.exp Calculate the exponential of all elements in the input array.
numpy.power First array elements raised to powers from second array, element-wise.
numpy.sqrt Return the non-negative square-root of an array, element-wise.
numpy.ndarray.min Return the minimum along the specified axis.
numpy.ndarray.max Return the maximum along a given axis.
Compute the arithmetic mean along the specified axis.
numpy.median Compute the median along the specified axis.